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The Rise of Video Marketing

What if someone asked you 5 years ago if you would rather read the content on your devices or watch it. Would you have thought of the impact video now has? Would you have seen how it will help bond brands and consumers together in social circles? What if I was to tell you that it is just going to get bigger?

According to Cisco, a network & internet hardware/software corporation, they predict that by 2020 video will account for 85% of all consumer internet traffic in North America, up from 79% in 2015. With a business video traffic increase of 65% in 2020, up from 45% in 2015. Given that online video is quickly becoming a greater key media outlet for people to quench their thirst for information and entertainment, small businesses need to adopt video marketing strategies as a part of their overall advertising.

There is no match to the potential reach that video has to offer. YouTube reports that is has over a billion users–almost a third of all people on the Internet–and every day, people watch hundreds of millions of hours of YouTube videos and generate billions of views. “That’s great, but what about localization?” you might ask – well YouTube is presented in a total of 76 different languages (covering 95% of the Internet population).

Are you asking if small businesses prosper from video content? Then, yes…absolutely yes! The cost of video production and the software learning curve has significantly been streamlined so you can get comparative results on your own. However, if take some time to fully realize the cost of professional videography to a decent return on your investment, you might want to keep some of these points in mind:


video marketingThink about who it is you are trying to communicate with via video marketing. Great research is a good part of your concept. If you message is not properly tuned to your audience then your time of investment has been wasted.





facebook-256Don’t think your Facebook account is the one stop shop for all your social media interactivity. Your demographic range just might have certain social apps & circles that just don’t translate across them all. Learn how to tie all of the social avenues in to tools for your marketing needs.





pexels-photo-240224Oh, and don’t forget everything is going mobile. In North America, mobile traffic will grow 6-fold from 2015 to 2020, a compound annual growth rate of 42%. Hey, just think about how many times you look at your device and consume content.






reading at beachLastly, think out side of the box, think how the awesome tool of video in your campaign’s kit can play with all your other tools and services. When you craft genuine stories that welcome your audience in you will find that video can communicate so many more stories and emotions than just a single picture can.




Online video is quickly becoming the go-to for information and entertainment. Small businesses need to adopt video marketing to extend their reach. At Global Media Marketing, we can help you strategize, execute, and implement a video marketing strategy.