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Event + Social + Mobile = Love

When I was growing up, finding out what the newest concert, movie, or just anything to do was a lot more difficult than it is today. Back then you had to look for the latest event poster to show up or catch their radio promo just at the right time. Of course there was still the “have you heard…?” going around in social circles. Most of the time you got your information through word-of-mouth. Your friends would que you in about what was “happening”. You heard about the latest concert and it sounded great. But, you had to go find out how to get tickets (and then you had to go buy them), maybe get the latest bands new t-shirt (heaven forbid you wear last years news to a show), and any other related information.

Today, well guess what, it’s still the same word-of-mouth but in a completely different way. Today there’s Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest & Instagram (to name a few) that allow everyone to share and post the latest news & trends. But, it’s not just coming from your friends. You’ve liked different bands, local events, & companies and you get their latest news from all these different sources. Now with mobile technologies you receive the latest posts, tweets, & news on your phone. All with links to buy those tickets, t-shirts, and other merchandise that might be available. And guess what, you can do it all while on you lunch break without ever leaving where you are. Oh, don’t forget to share that post or purchase with all you friends and circles.

As a marketer, I have heard a good deal of excuses for not pursuing a marketing venture in to Social & Mobile Marketing. However, strange as it may sound, one of the most occurring replies is that they rely on complete word of mouth. “Our customers are our best advertisements.” My question to them is have you ever been in a circle of people and say one thing to one person and have them relay that to the next person in the circle until it reaches back to you? How often do you hear exactly what you said in the first place? There is loss of vital information that can lead to a lack of sales, customer feedback about the product, service, or event, and is difficult to track how they heard about what you have to offer in the first place. (Think customer loyalty here – refer a friend come to mind?)

So maybe you are an event promoter or business looking to promote your latest concert or grand opening how do you get the correct information out? It’s simple, you leverage the power of social media and the availability of mobile technologies to allow your customers to get that word out. With Social Media Marketing you can ensure that all your current and new customers will get the precise information through simply sharing your posts & promotions. And let’s face it Facebook is free, and sharing is free, so why not utilize that? With Social Media you have a direct connection to your current & prospective customers that also help to maintain customer retention. Have a change of plans? What used to be a marketing headache (new flyers with updated information, scheduling of time and resources, etc.) can be quickly solved with a globalized Social Media post. Oh, and let’s not forget that when you also combine Social Media Marketing with Mobile App Marketing & technology your information is all in the palms of their hands.

And you say…”That’s a good deal of work. I have to get someone to make all these posts & graphics. How am I going to to maintain all of this?” And I say to you…that’s simple. At Global Media Marketing we can create a unified presentation of all your marketing needs. From print, social media, & mobile app technologies we will create a marketing solution that will allow your event or business to best leverage all of the available marketing strategies to make you successful.